Peppi’s House – Don’t Move Improve Awards 2019
Don't Move Improve 2019 Runner Up. The ambition of a humble worker’s Victorian cottage is to serve its inhabitant, to keep them warm, safe and dry, and to remain humble.
"Architecture:WK's Design in a Day workshop was a great opportunity to share exciting & practical ideas on how to maximise the space & light. AWK gave a high quality presentation of the design, which they have since developed into more detailed drawings & submitted successfully through planning. Looking forward to the next stages!"
The issue with our huge stock of Victorian and Edwardian homes is that they no longer serve contemporary needs, including ones that were extended in the ‘60s with ground floor bathrooms, lightless dining rooms and kitchens, and stairs steep enough to feel uncomfortable. Our client’s ambition was to give the house a new lease of life. For us, this translated into providing light filled spaces, upgrading the fabric of the building to exceed current sustainability requirements and to provide a little playfulness to enhance the sense of space.
The external appearance is consistent with surrounding styles and properties; a loft dormer that meets planning requirements, yet is designed thoughtfully enough to allow it to stand out from the crowd. A gentle and unassuming rear extension, that resonates with the humility of the retained front elevation. Internally, maximizing the sense of space meant allowing for views from one end of the property to the other. Nothing used in the construction and detailing was extravagant, everything was carefully chosen by our client. Every detail has been given a new lease of life to allow the cottage to serve its inhabitants for another 100 years.